Mirjam über Saskia

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Mirjam Spoolder writes about Saskia Edens:

Saskia Edens (* March 14th 1975 in Geneva and grew up in Lausanne, Switzerland) is a Swiss Performance-, Installation- and Video artist. She also works in other artistic areas like electronic art, photography, painting, drawing, printmaking, woodcut, object art and art in public space. Edens is Co-founder of the artists' collective FLEX.

Performance and Photography event in Kaskadenkondensator in Basel. This event was created in collaboration with PANCH - Performance Art Network CH and its working groups Must or Not, Lupe Basel and Performance & Photography on the 15th of August 2020. Saskia Edens created a performance on the rooftop of the terras of the Wartech building in Basel where the Kaskadenkonsator is placed.